Abducted Uyghur children forced into theft

original text : ウイグルから誘拐されスリをさせられる子供達 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sabit/20110719 (Japanese)
A video that shows a Uyghur child who committed theft beaten by adults in China is drawing attention.
It is shocking to see a child bashed by a number of adults.

another site : http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1a7_1311109738
It is difficult to determine that the child was beaten for theft as the poster only states 'maltreated child', yet from the picture in the video, it is assumable that the child did pickpocket.
The Uyghur children are abducted and sold in the cities in China to be trained as thieves by theft rings.
Xinjiang regional Government welfare agency announces that about 4000 Uyghur children are forced to thief in the cities in China but it is estimated that there are larger number of victims.
A lot of children cannot locate their homes as they were abducted at very young age and so even if the police keep them under the custody, they cannot send the children back home.
The police also hesitate to arrest Uyghur thieves as it can be led to the 'ethnic issue'.
From those matters, the police have no choice but to turn over the children to the head of the theft ring claiming to be the guardian of the children.
As the police are not able to handle the problem, private citizens are forming anti-theft bodies to punish those children committed theft. They beat children relentlessly and some children get killed by the brute force.
It is assumed that the video above is showing the citizens giving the Uyghur child who committed theft the crushing blow.
The location is unknown yet it is clear that it happened in China, and the child being abused does not look like Han, but Uyghur and that is how the assumption above is derived.
About the reality of Uyghur children abducted and forced to be thieves, Mr. Muzappar Qurban contributed an article on Phoenix weekly in 2007.

Original article: http://phtv.ifeng.com/hotspot/200708/0817_42_193032.shtml
First appearance: Phoenix Weekly Issue 17, 2007
Assessment of Uyghur Street Children in Inland China
(English version)
(Japanese version)
(Japanese version)

The fact that there are a number of Uyghur committing crimes leads to Han's prejudice against Uyghurs.

Han's view of Uyghur, Tibet and South Mongolia - Different view on Uyghurs
The author noticed that a lot of Hans have hard feelings against Dalai Lama but not for Tibetans and Tibet itself is a Mecca for sightseeing. Hans think South Mongolians are suffering from poverty yet they do not have much bad feelings against them. On the other hand, they have a huge prejudice against Uyghurs and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As above, Han's view on Uyghurs is worsened.
The grown up Hans abusing a Uyghur child in the video above is considered to be caused by Han's prejudice and contempt for ethnic minorities that was intensified by mass psychology.
Tightening the regulations by the police, recruiting Uyghur policemen to deal with Uyghur children, forming an organization to identify the place where the children were abducted to return them home, and what other countermeasures can be done?
The police seem to be operating the regulatory on the issue intensively yet...

【Xinhuanet】On 4th, a spokesman from Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regional Department of Public Security said that the low enforcement on kidnapping groups operated from 26 April resulted in detecting 66 groups and detained 332 suspects and rescued 138 minorities.

It seems to be a long way to uproot the matter.
From those facts, I think we also need support from the conscientious Hans living in Cities in China, while the government adopts the countermeasures.
Unless the people who directly deal with the Uyghur thieves take it as social issue, not the issue to be dealt with sanctions, we cannot save those children in the miserable situation.
Assessment of Uyghur Street Children in Inland China
As it is written in the article above, there are people like Jia Quan, who organized Anyang anti-theft group and sympathies the Uyghur children.
There are Hans living in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region who try to spread the miserable life of the children through internet. They are appealing 'Please don't beat the children harshly'.

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